Bridge crane GDMJ 20t/22,5m with magnet traverse, ŽELEZO Hranice

year of realization 2021
Customer ŽELEZO Hranice, s.r.o.
Place of installation ŽELEZO Hranice, s.r.o., company's storehouse in Ostrava
Scope of delivery
Delivery and mounting of double-girder bridge crane, type GDMJ 20t/22,5m, equipped with a magnet traverse and a display for the visualization of the load weight (technological weighing) and service codes.
Crane parameters:
Span: 22,5m
Lifting capacity / lifting capacity of the traverse: 20t / 14,8t
Equipped with a GIGA hoist, type GHF 40000-20-2x2/1-30M,D
Lifgting height: 12m
Lifting speed: 1-10-16 m/min the lifting speed with full load of 15t is 10 m/min, and with a load of 5,2t (magnet traverse) is about 16 m/min
Traversing speed: 0-50 m/min
Crane speed: 0-100 m/min
Control: radio with two-position joysticks, with a sling for the fixation around a waist

Výroba jeřábu GDMJ 20t/22,5m

5958 (345)5958 (204)5958 (12)

Montáž a oživení jeřábu GDMJ 20t/22,5m


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