Bridge crane GDMJ 80t/22m and craneway for WIKOV MGI Hronov

Year of realization 2019
Customer WIKOV MGI, a.s.
Place of installation Production plant of WIKOV MGI, a.s., Hronov
Range of delivery
Delivery and mounting of a double girder bridge crane, type GJMJ 80t/22m, including a craneway with a length of 25,5m. 
Span: 22m
Lifting capacity: 80t
With a GIGA hoist, type GHF 40000-16-2x4/1-9M,D
Lifting height: 9m
Lifting speed: 0,6-4,8-8 m/min - smooth torque-dependent regulation of lifting speed
Hoist travel speed: 0...20 m/min
Crane travel speed: 0...32 m/min
Radio control with a button control panel
The crane is equipped with a device for monitoring its working state, type GIGAtronic TWD

Expedice jeřábu GDMJ 80t/22m pro WIKOV MGI Hronov

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Montáž jeřábové dráhy pro jeřáb GDMJ 80t/22m

Montaz jerabove drahy pro GDMJ 80t-22m_1Montaz jerabove drahy pro GDMJ 80t-22m_2Montaz jerabove drahy pro GDMJ 80t-22m_3

Montáž a zkoušky jeřábu GDMJ 80t/22m

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