Magnet cranes GKMJ 10t/15,34m with a cantilever hoist and GDMJ 10t/17,12m with a rotary hoist for FERRUM Plzeň

Year or realization 2008
Customer FERRUM PLZEŇ spol. s r.o.
Place of installation Prodution hall of FERRUM PLZEŇ spol. s r.o.
Range of delivery
Delivery and mounting of:
Double girder bridge crane, type GDMJ 10t/17,120m with a GIGA rotary hoist
Span: 17,12m
Lifting capacity: 10t
Is equipped with a GIGA rotary hoist, type GSF 5025-12-2x2/1-21 M,D,2B,O,27M with a double-rail trolley and a trolley for hoist rotation (without rope stabilization on the traverse)
Lifting height: 9m
Crane group classification: A6
Liftting speed: 0-8-24 m/min - smooth torque-related speed regulation (it means that lifting speed of 0,32-8m/min is with full load of 8t, lifting speed of 0.32-24 m/min is with lower load. The lifting motor communicates with the static frequency inverter and depending on the load allows the max. lifting speed up to 24 m/min without a load)
Hoist rotary speed: 0...1,5 ot/min
Rotation angle: 0...90°
Hoist travel speed: 0...30 m/min
Bridge travel speed: 0...100 m/min
Control: radio with two-position joysticks, with a sling for the fixation around a waist, with a seven-position switch for to set the magnet power (0-100%) and elements for listing the magnets, etc.
The crane is equipped with the GIGAtronic TWD 01 device for monitoring of crane state in according with ČSN ISO 12482-1.
Single girder bridge crane, type GKMJ 10t/15,340m with a GIGA cantilever hoist
Span: 15,34m
Lifting capacity: 10t
Is equipped with a GIGA cantilever hoist, type GSF 5025-12-4x2/1-33M,K,2B with a trolley and rope stabilization on the traverse by means of transferring drums and 4 pulleys on the traverse.
Lifting height: 9m
Crane group classification: A6
Liftting speed: 0-8-24 m/min - smooth torque-related speed regulation (it means that lifting speed of 0,32-8m/min is with full load of 8t, lifting speed of 0.32-24 m/min is with lower load. The lifting motor communicates with the static frequency inverter and depending on the load allows the max. lifting speed up to 24 m/min without a load)
Hoist travel speed: 0...30 m/min
Bridge travel speed: 0...100 m/min
Control: radio with two-position joysticks, with a sling for the fixation around a waist, with a seven-position switch for to set the magnet power (0-100%) and elements for listing the magnets, etc.
The crane is equipped with the GIGAtronic TWD 01 device for monitoring of crane state in according with ČSN ISO 12482-1.

Magnetový jeřáb GDMJ 10t/17,12m s otočnou kočkou

Magnetový jeřáb GDMJ 10t/17,12m s otočnou kočkou_16Magnetový jeřáb GDMJ 10t/17,12m s otočnou kočkou_15Magnetový jeřáb GDMJ 10t/17,12m s otočnou kočkou_09Magnetový jeřáb GDMJ 10t/17,12m s otočnou kočkou_07Magnetový jeřáb GDMJ 10t/17,12m s otočnou kočkou_06Magnetový jeřáb GDMJ 10t/17,12m s otočnou kočkou_05Magnetový jeřáb GDMJ 10t/17,12m s otočnou kočkou_19Magnetový jeřáb GDMJ 10t/17,12m s otočnou kočkou_17Magnetový jeřáb GDMJ 10t/17,12m s otočnou kočkou_14Magnetový jeřáb GDMJ 10t/17,12m s otočnou kočkou_13Magnetový jeřáb GDMJ 10t/17,12m s otočnou kočkou_11Magnetový jeřáb GDMJ 10t/17,12m s otočnou kočkou_10Magnetový jeřáb GDMJ 10t/17,12m s otočnou kočkou_03Magnetový jeřáb GDMJ 10t/17,12m s otočnou kočkou_01Magnetový jeřáb GDMJ 10t/17,12m s otočnou kočkou_20Magnetový jeřáb GDMJ 10t/17,12m s otočnou kočkou_18Magnetový jeřáb GDMJ 10t/17,12m s otočnou kočkou_12Magnetový jeřáb GDMJ 10t/17,12m s otočnou kočkou_08Magnetový jeřáb GDMJ 10t/17,12m s otočnou kočkou_04Magnetový jeřáb GDMJ 10t/17,12m s otočnou kočkou_02

Magnetový jeřáb GKMJ 10t/15,340m s konzolovou kočkou

Magnetový jeráb GKMJ 10t/15.340m s konzolovou kočkou_2Magnetový jeráb GKMJ 10t/15.340m s konzolovou kočkou_7Magnetový jeráb GKMJ 10t/15.340m s konzolovou kočkou_6Magnetový jeráb GKMJ 10t/15.340m s konzolovou kočkou_5Magnetový jeráb GKMJ 10t/15.340m s konzolovou kočkou_4Magnetový jeráb GKMJ 10t/15.340m s konzolovou kočkou_3Magnetový jeráb GKMJ 10t/15.340m s konzolovou kočkou_1

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