Magnet cranes cabins for STEELCOM Ostrava

Year of realization 2018
Customer STEELCOM CZ, a.s.
Place of installation Production facility ofSTEELCOM CZ, a.s., Marianské Hory, Ostrava
Range of delivery
Double girder bridge crane GDMJ 10t/13,7m
Double girder bridge crane GDMJ 8t+8t/13,7m with a cabin and a source for power supply and control of magnets
Double girder bridge crane GDMJ 20t/13,7m with a cabin and a source for power supply and control of magnets
Double girder bridge crane GDMJ 20t/13,7m  with a source for power supply and control of magnets
Double girder bridge crane GDMJ 20t/13,7m  with a cabin and a source for power supply and control of magnets
All cranes with invertor control of all movements; lifting speed 0...10 m/min with smooth speed regulation
Year of realization 2018
Customer STEELCOM CZ, a.s.
Place of installation Production facility ofSTEELCOM CZ, a.s., Marianské Hory, Ostrava
Range of delivery
Double girder bridge crane GDMJ 10t/13,7m
Double girder bridge crane GDMJ 8t+8t/13,7m with a cabin and a source for power supply and control of magnets
Double girder bridge crane GDMJ 20t/13,7m with a cabin and a source for power supply and control of magnets
Double girder bridge crane GDMJ 20t/13,7m  with a source for power supply and control of magnets
Double girder bridge crane GDMJ 20t/13,7m  with a cabin and a source for power supply and control of magnets
All cranes with invertor control of all movements; lifting speed 0...10 m/min with smooth speed regulation

Jeřáby pro STEELCOM, expedice a montáž


Jeřáby pro STEELCOM, expedice a montáž


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