Bridge cranes of GIGA with a capacity of 125t a 165t for the Počerady Electric Plant

GIGA successfully finished production, delivery and mounting of two cranes for the 880 MW Steam-Gas Source in the Počerady Electric Plant. This is a crane with a capacity of 165t with two auxiliary lifts (25t and 12,5t) and a bridge crane with a capacity of 125t with an auxiliary lift of 30t.
GIGA successfully finished production, delivery and mounting of two cranes for the 880 MW Steam-Gas Source in the Počerady Electric Plant. This is a crane with a capacity of 165t with two auxiliary lifts (25t and 12,5t) and a bridge crane with a capacity of 125t with an auxiliary lift of 30t.
Mostové jeřáby GIGA o nosnosti 125t a 165t pro elektrárnu Počerady, 5Mostové jeřáby GIGA o nosnosti 125t a 165t pro elektrárnu Počerady, 4Mostové jeřáby GIGA o nosnosti 125t a 165t pro elektrárnu Počerady, 3Mostové jeřáby GIGA o nosnosti 125t a 165t pro elektrárnu PočeradyMostové jeřáby GIGA o nosnosti 125t a 165t pro elektrárnu Počerady, 2Mostové jeřáby GIGA o nosnosti 125t a 165t pro elektrárnu Počerady, 6
Mostové jeřáby GIGA o nosnosti 125t a 165t pro elektrárnu Počerady, 5Mostové jeřáby GIGA o nosnosti 125t a 165t pro elektrárnu Počerady, 4Mostové jeřáby GIGA o nosnosti 125t a 165t pro elektrárnu Počerady, 3Mostové jeřáby GIGA o nosnosti 125t a 165t pro elektrárnu PočeradyMostové jeřáby GIGA o nosnosti 125t a 165t pro elektrárnu Počerady, 2Mostové jeřáby GIGA o nosnosti 125t a 165t pro elektrárnu Počerady, 6

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