Reconstruction of 6 bridge cranes pro ŠKODA AUTO, a.s., Mladá Boleslav

Year of realization 2010
Customer ŠKODA AUTO, a.s.
Place of installation Production plant of ŠKODA AUTO, a.s., Mladá Boleslav
Range of delivery
Reconstruction of 6pcs of double girder bridge cranes, consisting, among others:
  • Changing of electric part of the cranes
  • Changing of hoists (a special winch GIGA 32t, a special winch GIGA 16t, a soecial winch GIGA 12,5t)
  • A new remote radio control with joysticks
  • Changing of existing travel motors and gears of the cranes
  • Delivery and mounting of new monitoring devices GIGAtronicTWD, including wireless connection wi-fi and appropriate SW GIGAsoft
  • Delivery and mounting of a new switchboard and other cabling
  • Delivery and mounting of new festoon cable power supply system for the hoists
  • Delivery and mounting of new shock-resistant lights

Rekonstrukce 6ks jeřábů pro ŠKODA AUTO Mladá Boleslav

Rekonstrukce 6ks mostových jeřábů pro ŠKODA AUTO, a-s-, Mladá BoleslavRekonstrukce 6ks mostových jeřábů pro ŠKODA AUTO, a-s-, Mladá BoleslavRekonstrukce 6ks mostových jeřábů pro ŠKODA AUTO, a-s-, Mladá Boleslav

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